Date of publication: 2017 Fees - first cycle (euro): most common 10218 - max 10567
Fees - second cycle (euro): most common 4839
Fees - note: All students pay fees
Grants - note: No grants are available as from September 2016
Need-based grant (euro): -
Merit-based grant (euro): -
National student fee
1st cycle full-time programme fees are set by institutions and capped at GBP 9 000 for public higher education
institutions. The average fee for 2015/16 was GBP 8 703 before fee waivers offered by institutions, and GBP 8 636
after fee waivers. Students are not required to pay up front and can apply for a loan to cover the full fee. First cycle
part-time programme fees are set by institutions and capped at GBP 6 750.
2nd cycle programme fees are unregulated and vary widely. The 'most common' shown (GBP 4 121) represents
an indicative fee level for research students in 2016/17 set by Research Councils UK.
Short cycle programme students pay the same fees as students in 1st cycle programmes.
For the 1st and 2nd cycle international students, fees are unregulated.
1st cycle and short-cycle full-time: 2016/17 entrants do not receive a need-based grant but may obtain a higher
level of loan for living costs. The maximum for students living in the family home is GBP 6 904. For students living
away from home the maximum is GBP 8 200 outside London and GBP 10 702 in London. The loan repayment is
income-contingent and set at 9 % of earnings above the threshold of GBP 21 000; interest rates are Retail Price
Index plus 3 %. Special support grants are available for students who have dependent children or who have
certain disabilities. Many institutions also offer other bursaries and scholarships aimed at students from under-
represented groups.
Continuing 1st cycle full-time students who entered prior to 2016/17 may still apply for a maintenance grant of up
to GBP 3 387 plus a lower level of maintenance loan. The grant awarded depends on household income. In
2014/15, 57.5 % of applicants eligible for support (grant and/or loan) were awarded either a full (42.8%) or partial
(14.7%) grant.
1st cycle part-time: students studying a course of at least 25 % intensity, or in short cycle programmes, can apply
for a loan to cover the tuition fee, which may be repaid after graduation. Loans for living costs are not available.
2nd cycle postgraduate taught: from 2016/17, a loan of up to GBP 10 000 is available for postgraduate Masters
study. The same amount is provided for one year or for longer master programmes. 2nd cycle postgraduate non-
taught – individual institutions can provide a merit based grant, which tends to follow the minimum stipend
recommended by Research Councils UK, GBP 14 296 for 2016/17.
Tax benefit for student's parents
Tax benefits for parents and family allowances do not play a role in the student support system.
Family allowances
Tax benefits for parents and family allowances do not play a role in the student support system.