Montenegro 2015/16 - student fees and grants

Country: Montenegro
Date of publication: 2016
Fees - first cycle (euro): min 400 - most common 500 - max 1000
Fees - second cycle (euro): min 1500 - most common/max 2000
Fees - note: All 2nd cycle students pay fees
Grants - note: 1.5 % of students receive merit-based grants 13 % of students receive loans
Need-based grant (euro): -
Merit-based grant (euro): most common/max 860

National student fee

1st cycle

Students not financed from the state budget pay tuition fees. In the first cycle at the public higher education institution University of Montenegro (the only public university) the fee is between EUR 400 and EUR 1 000 per year, depending on the study profile. The most common fee level is EUR 500.

Self-financing students who pass all exams may become budget-funded students if there are places available on their study programme. Those students are chosen on the basis of the ECTS gained and academic performance during their studies.

There is no distinction between full and part time students.

2nd cycle

Fees at the second cycle are between EUR 1 500-2 000 per year.

International students are charged the same fees as Montenegrin students.

Student grants

There is no need-based grant.


Merit-based grants are provided for students showing particular scientific or artistic inclinations and winning awards at international and national competitions. Grants are awarded on the basis of the contest announced by the Ministry at least two months before the beginning of an academic year. Grants are not awarded to student loan beneficiaries.

Grant amount depends on the level of the maximum loan increased by 30-50 %.

The maximum grant is EUR 86/month paid in ten monthly instalments.

Loans are available on the basis of student performance. The average loan is EUR 45/month for ten monthly instalments.

Tax benefit for student's parents

There are no family allowances of student's parents or tax benefits to parents.

Family allowances

There are no family allowances of student's parents or tax benefits to parents.

Source: Eurydice, National Student Fee and Support Systems 2013/2014, 2015/2016, 2016/2017
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