Date of publication: 2016 Fees - first cycle (euro): min 10 - max 1960
Fees - second cycle (euro): min 10 - max 2940
Fees - note: All students pay administrative fees
Grants - note: 11 % of students receive need-based and 10 % merit-based grants
Need-based grant (euro): min 100 - most common 1780 - max 3300
Merit-based grant (euro): most common/min 345 - max 1500
National student fee
All students pay registration fees of EUR 10 to EUR 100 per academic year. Full-time students of public higher education institutions not exceeding the 'regular' length of study for the study programme concerned do not pay tuition fees.
Students who exceed a 'regular' length of study, or who study two or more programmes concurrently in one academic year have to pay tuition fees which cannot exceed EUR 1 675 per academic year for both first and second cycle studies. Students admitted to an external/part-time study programme have to pay fees up to a maximum of EUR 1 960 per year in the first cycle and EUR 2 940 per year in the second cycle.
Students in a study programme which is provided exclusively in a language other than the state language have to pay tuition fees, which are set by respective higher education institutions.
Tuition and other fees at public higher education institutions cannot exceed 50 % of the average costs of full-time education.
Non-EU students pay higher tuition fees of EUR 2 000 to 10 000/year.
Student grants
There is a legal right for a need-based grant/scholarship subject to specified conditions. The amount of this need-based scholarship varies from EUR 10 to EUR 275 per month.
Merit-based motivation scholarships are granted by the higher education institutions for excellent results in studies, research and development, artistic or sporting activity. The amount of the motivation scholarship is set by higher education institutions or faculties.
In an effort to encourage students’ interest in selected scientific fields of study, Universities are provided with additional finances for merit-based scholarships. The scholarship amount is determined by Universities; but the funding represents an amount of EUR 1 000 per academic year for 15 % of students in the study fields identified.
Publicly subsidised loans provided by the Education Support Fund are available for full and part-time students throughout the regular duration of study programmes. Loans range from EUR 500 per year to 2 500 per year and are taken by about 1 % of students.Tax benefit for student's parents
Tax benefits for parents exist in the form of a lump sum tax deduction of EUR 21.41/month.Family allowances
Family allowances of EUR 23.52 per month are paid to parents of students up to 25 years of age who do not exceed the regular length of study.