Date of publication: 2016 Fees - first cycle (euro): max 726
Fees - second cycle (euro): max 726
Fees - note: No fees for EU university students
Grants - note: Approximately 15 % of students received a grant in 2013/14
Need-based grant (euro): min 60 - most common 4837 - max 9492
Merit-based grant (euro): min 60 - most common 4837 - max 9492
National student fee
EU students and those who are accorded the same rights do not have to pay tuition fees, and there are also no administrative fees.
Austrian students, EU students and students with equal status at universities and Pädagogische Hochschule (University Colleges of Teacher Education) do not have to pay fees, but if they exceed the minimum study duration by more than a year, they have to pay EUR 363.36 per semester.
Other students at Pädagogische Hochschule (University Colleges of Teacher Education) have to pay fees of EUR 363.36 per semester.
Students at universities and Pädagogische Hochschule (University Colleges of Teacher Education) can be exempt from paying in cases such as studies or internships within transnational mobility programmes, illness and pregnancy. Students with disabilities may also be exempt.
International students (i.e. non-EU and EEC students) at universities generally have to pay fees of EUR 726.72 per semester. Students from developing countries may be exempt from these fees according to a decision of the university.
Providers of the Fachhochschulen (universities of applied sciences) are entitled to charge fees up to the maximum amount of EUR 363.36 per semester. In the case of international students (i.e. non-EU and EEC students) the providers are entitled to charge cost-covering fees, which are usually higher than EUR 363.36 per semester.
Student grants
The federal student grants can systematically be divided into two sections: direct study financing received in cash, and indirect study financing which the student may receive by a transfer payment to the students’ parents, or through non-cash benefits.
Direct student support is paid out in monthly instalments up to EUR 9 492 per year on the basis of social criteria and of a good academic performance. The amount is assessed on the basis of income and family conditions.
Students may only be required to pay back grants when proof of academic achievement is missing after the first two semesters.
No student loans.
Family allowances
Students' parents can receive family allowances (EUR 158.90 per month per child) and tax relief (EUR 58.40 per month per child) if the student is under 24 (in exceptional cases till 25 years of age) and is studying.