Date of publication: 2016 Fees - first cycle (euro): -
Fees - second cycle (euro): min 4100 - max 10250
Fees - note: Fees in the 1st cycle for Cypriot and EU students are paid by the State
Grants - note: All students receive a basic grant, 2 % merit-based grant, 10 % need-based grant
Need-based grant (euro): min 300 - most common 1092 - max 3692
Merit-based grant (euro): min 2500 - most common 3500 - max 6000
National student fee
Higher education institutions can define their own fees within limits set by the Ministry of Education and Culture.
First cycle: fees total EUR 1 709 per semester (EUR 3 417 per year) for Cypriot students and for students admitted from EU countries. These fees are paid fully by the State.
International students pay fees. Fees for students admitted from non-EU countries total EUR 3 417 per semester (EUR 6 834 per year).
Second cycle: all students pay fees which range from EUR 4 100 to 10 250 per year.
Student grants
A big number of Cypriot students, whether studying in Cyprus or abroad, receive an annual educational grant (basic grant) from the Ministry of Finance, based on family income criteria. The minimum educational grant is EUR 1 450 and the maximum is EUR 2 565 per year. The basic grant is the same for the first and second cycle.
Approximately 10 % of Cypriot and other EU students, studying in Cyprus, receive targeted need-based grants to cover living, books, rental, and computer expenses based on their socioeconomic status. The minimum targeted grant is EUR 300 and the maximum is EUR 3 692 per year. The need-based grant is given to first-cycle students only.
About 2 % of students receive merit and need-based scholarships. The criteria for scholarships are academic excellence and socioeconomic status. Students may receive up to EUR 2 500-3 500 per year for an undergraduate programme (1st cycle), EUR 2 500-4 000 per year for a master's programme (2nd cycle) and EUR 4 000-6 000 for a PhD programme (3rd cycle).
Study loans are available only for owners of property in the northern part of Cyprus.Tax benefit for student's parents
There are no tax benefits for parents or family allowances.
Family allowances
There are no tax benefits for parents or family allowances.