Date of publication: 2014 Fees - first cycle (euro): min 830 - max 3319
Fees - second cycle (euro): min 830 - max 3319
Fees - note: Almost all students pay fees
Grants - note: About 10 % of students receive a need-based grant
Need-based grant (euro): max 13275
Merit-based grant (euro): -
National student fee
Higher education institutions define their own fees. Fees usually comprise fees for administration (admission,
registration, certification) and tuition. Additional mandatory contributions for examinations, libraries, sports facilities,
social and cultural institutions are possible.
Some categories of students pay reduced fees (students on leave of absence, medical students during their
placement year, doctoral students).
Students in difficult economic circumstances can apply for a waiver or reduction of tuition fees at most higher
education institutions.
Some higher education institutions charge higher fees for both students from within and outside the EU than for
Swiss students. Student grants
Each canton has its own regulations for the provision of grants and loans to students with residence in
Switzerland (decentralised system). In all cantons, the amount granted depends on the financial situation of the
applicant and his/her family.
In principle, support in the form of grants or loans or a combination of both is provided, but the majority of
beneficiaries only receive grants. [2011: 10.4 % grants only, 1.6 % loans only, 1.1 % grants and loans]
Some higher education institutions have their own funds for supplementary support of students. Students can only
apply if they already have applied for cantonal grants/loans. Loans
Each canton has its own regulations for the provision of grants and loans to students with residence in
Switzerland (decentralised system). In all cantons, the amount granted depends on the financial situation of the
applicant and his/her family.
In principle, support in the form of grants or loans or a combination of both is provided, but the majority of
beneficiaries only receive grants. [2011: 10.4 % grants only, 1.6 % loans only, 1.1 % grants and loans]
Some higher education institutions have their own funds for supplementary support of students. Students can only
apply if they already have applied for cantonal grants/loans.
Tax benefit for student's parents
On the federal level, parents financially supporting a child in higher education can deduct CHF 6 500 from their
income. On the cantonal level, eligibility and amounts of tax benefits for student’s parents vary.
Family allowances
A family allowance of at least CHF 250 per month for 16-25 year-olds still in education is disbursed. The cantons
may grant family allowances that are higher than this legal minimum.