Date of publication: 2014 Fees - first cycle (euro): min 373
Fees - second cycle (euro): min 373
Fees - note: All students pay fixed fees
Grants - note: No public grants
Need-based grant (euro): -
Merit-based grant (euro): -
National student fee
All students at public higher education institutions pay administrative registration fee of ISK 60 000 per
academic year. Over 80 % of students at 1st and 2nd cycle study at public higher education institutions.
Government dependent private higher education institutions charge a tuition fee that covers registration costs
and teaching. The fee is around ISK 175-400 000 per academic year.
The same rules apply to international students.
Student grants
In principle, no public grants/scholarships are available. However, some merit-based grants are provided by
universities and by the Icelandic Research Fund for Graduate Students for the 2nd cycle students.
Loans are provided to full-time students by the Icelandic Student Loan Fund. The amount depends on the size
of student's family and personal circumstances including income. The basic individual support for academic
year 2012/13 was ISK 140 600/month. Around 50 % of students take out a student loan.
Tax benefit for student's parents
No tax benefits for parents and family allowances.
Family allowances
No tax benefits for parents and family allowances.