Date of publication: 2014 Fees - first cycle (euro): -
Fees - second cycle (euro): -
Fees - note: No fees
Grants - note: All students receive grants
Need-based grant (euro): 9274
Merit-based grant (euro): -
National student fee
No fees for national and EU full-time students.
All students studying in part-time courses pay fees set by higher education institutions.
International students pay fees set by higher education institutions.
Student grants
State grants are available to all students. The maximum amount is DDK 5 753 per month for 12 months each year
for students living independently. Extra grants are available for students who become parents and for single
parents. Additional grants of DDK 8 180 per month are available for students with a disability. The amounts are for
the year 2013.
State loans of DDK 2 943 per month are available to all students. During the period of study, a 4 % annual interest rate applies. Students must start paying back no later than one year after the end of the year in which they graduate. The loan must be repaid within 15 years. About half of all students make use of state loans (2).The amounts are for the year 2013.
Tax benefit for student's parents
There are no tax benefits for students' parents or family allowances.
Family allowances
There are no tax benefits for students' parents or family allowances.