Date of publication: 2014 Fees - first cycle (euro): most common 20 - max 21
Fees - second cycle (euro): most common 20 - max 21
Fees - note: All students pay admission fees once per cycle
Grants - note: About 1 % of students receive a social scholarship
Need-based grant (euro): max 644
Merit-based grant (euro): -
National student fee
Fees are only related to admission procedures and need to be paid once per cycle. No tuition fees are paid by 'typical' higher education students.
Students who exceed a regular length of study by at least one year have to pay fees. The fee amounts to at least CZK 7 998/academic year, based on the average cost of a student for the public budget. No maximum is set by law.
Students who study in second or further degree programmes have to pay fees (maximum CZK 2 666/academic year).
Students of study programmes in a foreign language also have to pay tuition fees and no maximum limit is set by law. Such arrangements are decided by each higher education institution.
Fees for international students are the same as for home students.
Student grants
Scholarships can be granted on the basis of excellence in studies, for research, artistic or other activities. Scholarships are granted to students from regions other than the seat of the higher education institution as an accommodation scholarship (CZK 5 400/year).
Social scholarships are available for students in a difficult economic situation (CZK 16 200/year).
No publicly subsidised loans are provided.
Tax benefit for student's parents
Tax benefits for parents are also provided in the form of tax relief for each dependent child (student up to 26 years of age) and it is CZK 13 404/year; if the child is disabled the amount is multiplied by two (CZK 26 808/year).
Family allowances
Family allowances are provided. Eligibility depends on family economic conditions and allowances are provided
until the student is 26 years of age. A child allowance of CZK 700 per month is paid if the family's income is below
2.4 times the subsistence level.