Poland 2017/18 - teaching activity and holidays

Country: Poland
Year: 2017-2018

Teaching activity and holidays of the academic year

Teaching activity:

Institutions are autonomous. Usually between the beginning of October and the third week of December (e.g. UoW: 1 October - 22 December 2017).

Christmas holidays:

Institutions are autonomous. (e.g. UoW: 23 December 2017 -
7 January 2018).

Break between the semesters:

Institutions are autonomous. Usually January (e.g. UoW: 8-26 January 2018).

Easter holiday:

Institutions are autonomous. Easter Monday and a few extra days are free (e.g. UoW: 29 March - 3 April 2018).

published: 2017-09-26

Source: Eurydice 
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