Tax benefit for student's parents

Found: 114
CountryTax benefit for student's parents
Spain 2015/16 - tax benefit for student's parents
No tax relief for parents.
Spain 2016/17 - tax benefit for student's parents
No tax relief for parents.
Sweden 2013/14 - tax benefit for student's parents
No tax benefits for parents and family allowances.
Sweden 2015/16 - tax benefit for student's parents
No tax benefits for parents and family allowances.
Sweden 2016/17 - tax benefit for student's parents
No tax benefits for parents and family allowances.
Switzerland 2013/14 - tax benefit for student's parents
On the federal level, parents financially supporting a child in higher education can deduct CHF 6 500 from their income. On the cantonal level, eligibility and amounts of tax benefits for student’s parents vary.
Switzerland 2015/16 - tax benefit for student's parents
On the federal level parents financially supporting a child in higher education can deduct CHF 6 500 from their income. On the cantonal level eligibility and amounts of tax benefits for student’s parents vary.
Switzerland 2016/17 - tax benefit for student's parents
Parents who financially support their student-child can deduct CHF 6 500 from their income tax at federal level. At the cantonal level, eligibility and amounts of tax benefits for student’s parents vary.
Turkey 2013/14 - tax benefit for student's parents
No tax benefits for parents and family allowances.
Turkey 2015/16 - tax benefit for student's parents
No tax benefits for parents or family allowances.
Turkey 2016/17 - tax benefit for student's parents
No tax benefits for parents or family allowances
Wales 2013/14 - tax benefit for student's parents
Tax benefits for parents and family allowances do not play a role in the student support system.
Wales 2015/16 - tax benefit for student's parents
Tax benefits for parents and family allowances do not play a role in the student support system.
Wales 2016/17 - tax benefit for student's parents
Tax benefits for parents and family allowances do not play a role in the student support system.

Source: Eurydice, National Student Fee and Support Systems 2013/2014, 2015/2016, 2016/2017
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