Student grants and loans in Europe

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Greece 2016/17 - grants and loans
There are no standard scholarships. Depending on funds available from the state budget, ESIF or private funds managed by IKY (State Scholarship Foundation), a call for applications for grants is published. Awards and scholarships may be offered by higher education institutions, according to students' academic performance and financial status. Part-time students are not eligible for IKY grants.

Grant/scholarships are also offered by research institutions/non-profit/benefit foundations to first, second cycle and PhD students. Eligibility/selection criteria are age, grades (for 2nd cycle), foreign languages, work experience and socio-economic status.

The scholarships awarded by the Hellenic Open University cover the full amount or part of the student fees per academic year if a combination of economic, social and academic criteria is met by the student.
2nd students may apply for state guaranteed loans until the age of 45 and if they meet academic and socio- economic criteria. Parents' guarantee for redeeming the loan to credit institutions is requested. Interest rate may be covered by the Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs up to 50 % (Government Gazette 659/31-07- 1996). The terms of loan are further determined by the credit institutions. There are no statistical data on the number of students who receive loans. The legal basis for a loan for 1st cycle studies is available, but the conditions have yet to be developed.

Source: Eurydice, National Student Fee and Support Systems 2013/2014, 2015/2016, 2016/2017
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