Student grants and loans in Europe

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France 2013/14 - grants and loans
Grants are awarded on the basis of financial need to students that are less than 28 years of age.

The amount awarded for the need-based grant depends on the assessment of social criteria. Students are classified into categories based on the family income; within the framework of a reform of the grants (2013), a new category has been created for lower middle-class students, and a new one for the most deprived students. All grant holders get tuition for free and social security contribution waivers (EUR 211). In 2013/14 the amount of the annual grant varies from EUR 0 (for lower middle-class students who only get the waivers) to EUR 5 500. In addition, students having a need-based grant can get a complementary merit-based grant (based on school performance from the baccalauréat results) which amounts to EUR 1 800.
Loans are also available. In 2008, the Ministry of Higher Education and Research started a new policy to get loans easier for all students aged less than 28. It provides loans with a maximum amount of EUR 15 000, guaranteed by a special fund 'OSEO'. Less than 0.1 % of university students take out such a loan.
France 2015/16 - grants and loans
Grants are awarded on the basis of financial need to students less than 28 years of age.

The annual amount awarded for need-based grants depends on an assessment of social criteria, with students classified into categories based on family income. Within the framework of a reform of grants (2014) a new category of grant amounting to EUR 1 007 has been introduced for the most deprived (based on family income) lower middle-class students who previously benefited only from a fee waiver. As of 2014, students who receive a need-based grant can also get a complementary merit-based grant (based on school performance from the baccalauréat results) which amounts to EUR 900.

All grant holders receive free tuition and a waiver from social security contributions (EUR 215). In 2014/15, the amount of the annual grant ranges from EUR 0 (for lower middle-class students who only receive a fee waiver) to EUR 5 545.
Loans are also available. In 2008, the Ministry of Higher Education and Research started a new policy to make loans easier for all students aged under 28. It provides loans up to a maximum of EUR 15 000, guaranteed by a special fund 'OSEO'. Less than 0.1 % of university students take out such a loan.
France 2016/17 - grants and loans
Grants are awarded on the basis of financial need to students (short, first and second cycle) less than 28 years of age. The annual amount awarded for need-based grants depends on an assessment of social criteria, with students classified into nine categories based on family income. All grant holders receive free tuition and a waiver from social security contributions (EUR 215). In 2016/17, the amount of the annual grant ranges from EUR 0 (for lower middle-class students who only receive a fee waiver and a waiver from social security contributions) to EUR 5 551. An additional grant amounting to annual EUR 1 009 is available for the most deprived (based on family income) lower middle-class students.

Students who receive a need-based grant can also get a complementary merit-based grant (based on school performance from the baccalauréat results) which amounts to EUR 900 per semester.
State guaranteed loans up to an annual maximum of EUR 15 000 are also available for all EU/EEA students aged under 28. Loans are guaranteed by a special fund 'OSEO'. Less than 0.1 % of university students take out such a loan. Interest rates are defined by banks. Repayment must start 2 years after graduation, but early redemption of interests is possible.

Source: Eurydice, National Student Fee and Support Systems 2013/2014, 2015/2016, 2016/2017
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