Student grants and loans in Europe

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Estonia 2013/14 - grants and loans
From 2013/14, a new study grant system is implemented. The new system is need-based. Grants vary from EUR 75 to 220 per month and depend mostly on students and/or his/her family income.

Grants are available to approximately 17 % of all students in the 1st and 2nd cycle together. The basic grant is EUR 55.93/month and the additional grant EUR 28.13/month. These grants are currently primarily based on merit.

Students can receive grants for 10 months per academic year.
Full-time students can apply for state guaranteed loans. Estonian citizens or persons with a permanent residence permit, with full-time studies, according to curricula, of nine months or more has the right to obtain a study loan. Some exemptions are envisaged by the law. The maximum amount is EUR 1 920/academic year.
Estonia 2015/16 - grants and loans
From 2013/14, a new study grant system has been implemented. The new system includes need- and merit-based support. Need-based grants vary from EUR 75 to 220 per month for 10 months per year depending on students and family income. At least 25 % of students are thought to be eligible for this support, although 17 % of students received the grant in 2014/15.

Since 2014, students may apply for a merit-based grant of EUR 100 per month based on excellent study results. This is available for 4 % of the student population enrolled since 2013/14. A new scholarship programme to support the development of smart specialisation areas has also been established. A merit-based grant of EUR 160 per month (1 600 per year) is available to approximately 50 % of full time  students in defined areas. For computing and information technology curricula, the amount of the grant is EUR 160-300 per month (EUR 1 600-3 000 per year).

From 2014/15, students with disabilities and students growing up in care institutions may apply for a higher education scholarship. In the case of disabled students, the scholarship ranges from EUR 60-510 per month.

All students who enrolled in HEIs before 2013/14 academic year have the right to a merit-based grant up until 2015/16. From then on, the new system will be fully implemented.
Full-time students can apply for state guaranteed loans. Estonian citizens or persons with a permanent residence permit, studying full-time for nine months or more have the right to obtain a study loan. The maximum amount is EUR 1 920/academic year, and 8 % of students took such a loan in 2013/14.
Estonia 2016/17 - grants and loans
In general, full-time students are eligible for support. The grant system includes need- and merit-based support. Need-based grants vary from EUR 75 to 220 per month for 10 months per year depending on students and family income. Approximately, 12 % of students receive a need-based. From 2014/15, full-time and part-time students with disabilities and students growing up in care institutions may apply for a higher education scholarship. In the case of disabled students, the scholarship ranges from EUR 60-510 per month.

Students may apply for a merit-based grant of EUR 100 per month based on excellent study results. This is available for 2 % of the student population. A further merit-based grant of EUR 160 per month (1 600 per year) is available to approximately 50 % of full-time students in smart specialisation areas. For computing and information technology curricula, the amount of the grant is EUR 160-300 per month (EUR 1 600-3 000 per year). Part-time students in teacher training programmes can also apply for a speciality grant. Approximately 5 % of all students receive the speciality grant.
Estonian citizens or persons with a permanent residence permit, studying full-time for nine months or more have the right to obtain a state-guaranteed study loan. The maximum amount is EUR 1 920/academic year, and 8 % of students took such a loan in 2015/16. The interest rate is 5 %. Repayment must start within a year after graduation (except if the student continues studies), and must be completed in double the nominal period of studies, if studies are finished without a qualification, repayment must be done in 1-1.5 the period of studies.

Source: Eurydice, National Student Fee and Support Systems 2013/2014, 2015/2016, 2016/2017
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