Student grants and loans in Europe

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Cyprus 2013/14 - grants and loans
All Cypriot students receive an annual educational grant (basic grant) by the Ministry of Finance. According to new legislation which came into force in 2012, the educational grant is given based on family income criteria. The minimum educational grant is EUR 850 and the maximum is EUR 2 565 per year.

Approximately 10 % of Cypriot students receive targeted need-based grants to cover living, books, rental and computer expenses based on their socioeconomic status. The minimum targeted grant is EUR 500 and the maximum is EUR 3 692 per year.

About 2 % of students receive merit-based scholarships. The criteria for scholarships are academic excellence and socioeconomic status. Students may receive up to EUR 2 500-3 500 per year for an undergraduate programme (1st cycle), EUR 2 000 per year for a master's programme (2nd cycle).
Study loans are available only for owners of property in the northern Cyprus.
Cyprus 2015/16 - grants and loans
A big number of Cypriot students, whether studying in Cyprus or abroad, receive an annual educational grant (basic grant) from the Ministry of Finance, based on family income criteria. The minimum educational grant is EUR 1 450 and the maximum is EUR 2 565 per year. The basic grant is the same for the first and second cycle.

Approximately 10 % of Cypriot and other EU students, studying in Cyprus, receive targeted need-based grants to cover living, books, rental, and computer expenses based on their socioeconomic status. The minimum targeted grant is EUR 300 and the maximum is EUR 3 692 per year. The need-based grant is given to first-cycle students only.

About 2 % of students receive merit and need-based scholarships. The criteria for scholarships are academic excellence and socioeconomic status. Students may receive up to EUR 2 500-3 500 per year for an undergraduate programme (1st cycle), EUR 2 500-4 000 per year for a master's programme (2nd cycle) and EUR 4 000-6 000 for a PhD programme (3rd cycle).
Study loans are available only for owners of property in the northern part of Cyprus.
Cyprus 2016/17 - grants and loans
A 'student grant' can be awarded to short cycle and 1st and 2nd cycle students to support their studies in Cyprus or abroad. To be eligible students must have resided in Cyprus for at least five years before enrolment. The amount of the grant is based on family income. The annual amount ranges from EUR 1 450 to EUR 3 420.

The 'student allowance' is a targeted need-based grant to cover living, books, rental, and computer expenses of 1st cycle students based on their socioeconomic status. The amount is EUR 3 692 per year. A new Student Welfare Service is established to manage the student grant and the student allowances.

The State Scholarship Foundation awards scholarships based on students' academic performance and socio- economic status. Students studying in 1st cycle programmes may receive up to EUR 3 000 per year, in 2nd cycle programmes EUR 4 000 per year, and EUR 4 000 in a PhD programme (3rd cycle).
Study loans are available only for owners of property in the northern part of Cyprus. This is a state loan for 1st, 2nd and 3rd cycle students who study in Cyprus or abroad. The annual amount ranges from EUR 1 700 to 8 000 and should cover living expenses and tuition fees. Repayment in general starts one year after graduation and should be completed within 20 years. The interest rate of the loan is 1.75 %. Around 1.5 % of students take out the loan.

Source: Eurydice, National Student Fee and Support Systems 2013/2014, 2015/2016, 2016/2017
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