Student grants and loans in Europe

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Belgium - flemish 2013/14 - grants and loans
Student grants are allocated on the basis of economic need and academic merit. Eligibility is determined by the income of parents and/or the student and academic achievement in the past academic year. Amounts typically range from EUR 247.84 to EUR 3 835.53. However, a student is entitled to an extraordinary grant of up to EUR 5 164.02 on the basis of extremely low income and a lack of support from family members. No loans.
Belgium - flemish 2015/16 - grants and loans
Student grants are allocated on the basis of economic need. Eligibility is determined by the income of parents and/or the student. Amounts typically range from EUR 256.33 to EUR 3 966.88. However, a student is entitled to an extraordinary grant of up to EUR 5 340.86 on the basis of extremely low income and a lack of support from family members.No loans.
Belgium - flemish 2016/17 - grants and loans
Student grants for first and second cycle programmes are allocated on the basis of economic need. Eligibility is determined by the income of parents and/or the student. Annual amounts typically range from EUR 256 to EUR 3 966. In 2014/15, the average grant amount was EUR 1 721.07. A student is also entitled to an extraordinary grant of up to EUR 5 340 on the basis of extremely low income and a lack of family support. There are no student grants for short-cycle tertiary programmes, except for the associate degree programme for nursing, with typical amounts ranging from EUR 693 to EUR 3 126 No loans.
Belgium - french 2013/14 - grants and loans
Public grants in academic year 2012/13 are available for low income students under 35. Students must apply for this financial benefit each year. The amount granted is determined by household income and ranges from EUR 393.67 to 4673.17 per year. Loans are available for families with at least three dependent children. Very few (0.01 %) take out a loan (2011/12).
Belgium - french 2015/16 - grants and loans
Public grants in academic year 2015/16 are available for low income  students. However, students over 35 years of age registered in the first  year of higher education do not receive any public grant. Students must  apply for this financial benefit each year. The amount granted ranges  from EUR 394 to 4 821 per year depending on household income. Loans are available for families with at least three dependent children. Very few (less than 0.01 %) take out a loan (2014/15).
Belgium - french 2016/17 - grants and loans
Public grants in academic year 2016/17 are available for low income students. However, eligibility is restricted to students under 35 years of age upon initial registration. Students must apply for this financial benefit each year. The amount granted in 2015/16 ranged from EUR 394 to 4 821 per year depending on household income.Loans are available via students' parents if they have at least three dependent children. Very few (less than 0.01 %) took out a loan (2014/15). The maximum interest rate is 4 %. Repayment must start six months after graduation.
Belgium - german 2013/14 - grants and loans
Student grants are need-based. Parental income determines eligibility. They are provided through the national social security system for students who return to higher education. Annual grant amounts are between EUR 362 and 2 469. The possibility exists to take out loans of EUR 1 000 for the first cycle and EUR 1 500 for the second cycle. Interest is between 0 and 3 %, depending on the income of the student, and the loan needs to be repaid at the latest three years after graduation. The Management Committee of student loans can decide about an additional loan of EUR 1 000 on a case-by-case basis.
Belgium - german 2015/16 - grants and loans
Student grants are need-based. Parental income determines eligibility. Annual grant amounts are between EUR 362 and 2 469 and are paid by the Ministry of the German-speaking Community. The possibility exists to take out loans of EUR 1 000 for the first cycle and EUR 1 500 for the second cycle. Interest is between 0 and 3 %, depending on the income of the student, and the loan needs to be repaid at the latest three years after graduation. The loans are managed by the Province of Liège, and the Management Committee responsible for student loans can decide about an additional loan of EUR 1 500 on a case-by-case basis. However, no students actually took out a loan in 2013/14.
Belgium - german 2016/17 - grants and loans
Student grants are need-based. Parental income determines eligibility, and students must be 35 years old or younger to be eligible. Annual grant amounts are between EUR 362 and 2 469, and are paid by the Ministry of the German-speaking Community. Province guaranteed loans of EUR 1 000 are available for a full first cycle programme and EUR 1 500 for the second cycle. The loan can be used to cover studies in higher education institutions in the Province of Liège and for short-term credit mobility abroad (including the Flemish Community and other parts of the French Community of Belgium). Interest rates are 0-3 %, depending on the student's income. The loan needs to be repaid three years after graduation. The loans are managed by the Province of Liège. An additional loan of EUR 1 500 can be awarded on a case-by-case basis. No students took out a loan in 2015/16.

Source: Eurydice, National Student Fee and Support Systems 2013/2014, 2015/2016, 2016/2017
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