Student grants and loans in Europe

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Austria 2013/14 - grants and loans
The federal student grants can systematically be divided into two sections: direct study financing received in cash, and indirect study financing which the student may receive by a transfer payment to the students’ parents, or through non-cash benefits.

Direct student support is paid out in monthly instalments up to EUR 8 952 per year. The amount is assessed on the basis of income and number of family members of the student, his/her parents and his/her spouse.

The grants need not be paid back except when proof of academic achievement is missing after the first two semesters.
No student loans.
Austria 2015/16 - grants and loans
The federal student grants can systematically be divided into two sections: direct study financing received in cash, and indirect study financing which the student may receive by a transfer payment to the students’ parents, or through non-cash benefits.

Direct student support is paid out in monthly instalments up to EUR 9 492 per year on the basis of social criteria and of a good academic performance. The amount is assessed on the basis of income and family conditions.

Students may only be required to pay back grants when proof of academic achievement is missing after the first two semesters.
No student loans.
Austria 2016/17 - grants and loans
The federal student grants for 1st and 2nd cycle can systematically be divided into two sections: direct study financing received in cash, and indirect study financing. Indirect financing may be a transfer payment to the students’ parents (e.g. family allowances and tax relief), or non-cash benefits (e.g. health and accident insurance for students and tax benefits).

Direct student support is paid out in monthly instalments of up to EUR 9 492 per year on the basis of social criteria and of good academic performance. The amount is assessed on the basis of the income of the parents, the student and his/her spouse, and the number of family members. Students may only be required to pay back grants when proof of academic achievement is missing after the first two semesters.
No student loans.

Source: Eurydice, National Student Fee and Support Systems 2013/2014, 2015/2016, 2016/2017
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