Examinations of the academic year

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CountryExaminations of the academic year
Serbia 2016/17 - examinations
HEIs determine the dates and the number of examination periods during the academic year, usually 4 to 6 periods, at the end of each semester and prior to the end of the academic year, after summer holidays.
Serbia 2017/18 - examinations
HEIs determine the dates and the number of examination periods during the academic year, usually 4 to 6 examination periods, usually taking place between semesters and prior to the end of the academic year, after summer holidays.
The most common exam periods are:
  • • January-February (15 Jan to 19 Feb)
  • • April (first half of April)
  • • June (the whole month)
  • • September (the whole month) – beginning of October
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Source: Eurydice 
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