Teaching activity and holidays

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CountryTeaching activity and holidays
Switzerland 2016/17 - teaching activity and holidays
The academic year consists of an autumn semester, a spring semester and periods during which no courses are held.

Teaching activity autumn semester: 19 September – 23 December 2016
Teaching activity spring semester: 20 February – 2 June 2017
Switzerland 2017/18 - teaching activity and holidays
Type of programme: Universities, universities of applied sciences, universities of teacher education (ISCED 6 and 7):
The academic year consists of an autumn semester, a spring semester and periods during which no courses are held.

Teaching activity autumn semester: 18 September - 22 December 2017
Teaching activity spring semester: 19 February - 1 June 2018

Type of programme: Colleges of professional education and training (ISCED 6):
The institutions fix all periods of teaching activity and holidays. Usually teaching activities consist of two semesters starting between August and October and between January and April. The institutions autonomously fix the holidays.
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Source: Eurydice 
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