Date of publication: 2017 Grants - note: 12.7 % of full-time students receive grants
Need-based grant (euro): min 307 - max 736
Merit-based grant (euro): min 307 - max 736
Student grants
Grants/scholarships are available to full-time students in all study cycles. They are distributed by higher
education institutions based on their specific eligibility criteria. One type of grant must contain two indicators:
academic performance and monthly income per family member of the student for the previous six months. From
2016, universities must also award merit-based grants – based only on academic performance. Grant amounts
range from BGN 50 to 120/month, and in most cases are issued during 10 months. Starting from the second
semester of the 2016/17 academic year, grant amounts shall range from BGN 70 to 150 per month. There is no
support for part-time students.
Full-time first and second cycle students who are EU/EEA/Swiss citizens, less than 35 years old and have not
interrupted their studies can apply for state guaranteed loans. The study loan may be equal to the tuition fee. The
amount of loan to cover living costs is linked to the minimum wage. The interest rate cannot exceed 7 % at banks
that have signed an agreement with the government. Repayment is due one year after graduation and must be
completed in 10 years. No information is available on the percentage of students taking out the loan.