Date of publication: 2014 Grants - note: All EU students following 1st cycle full-time courses receive grants
Need-based grant (euro): most common/min 1304 - max 3098
Merit-based grant (euro): -
Student grants
Student maintenance grants are provided to all Maltese students following a full-time first-cycle degree course.
EU students who fulfil the relevant eligibility criteria also receive this maintenance grant. These eligibility criteria are
neither need- nor merit-based but refer to regulations having to do with citizenship, years of residence in Malta,
completion of compulsory education, age, regularity of attendance and progress being made in studies. Students receive
a one-time grant of EUR 465.87, EUR 83.86 every four weeks between October and June and an annual grant of
EUR 465.87. Students studying for a Science, Mathematics or IT-related courses (known as ‘prescribed programmes’),
receive a one-time grant of EUR 698.81, EUR 146.75 every four weeks and an annual grant of EUR 698.81.
Students who, due to proven hardship are deemed to qualify for a supplementary maintenance grant, receive a higher
grant than that referred to above. They receive a one-time grant of EUR 582.34, a grant of EUR 251.57 every four weeks
from October to June and an annual grant of EUR 582.34.
Grants are offered in some second-cycle degree courses which are required for the practice of a regulated profession.
Several scholarship schemes are available to students who wish to take up undergraduate studies abroad or
postgraduate studies in Malta or abroad. These schemes are issued regularly and include the Malta Government
Scholarships Scheme (MGSS – Undergraduate and Postgraduate studies in all areas), the Malta Arts Scholarship (MAS)
scheme and the Malta Sports Scholarships (MSS).
The ‘Youth Specialisation Studies Scheme’ (YSSS) provides the opportunity for young Maltese people, aged between 18
and 30 years, to apply for a soft loan at a subsidised rate of interest to further their studies abroad or follow distance
learning courses, provided that such courses are not available in Malta.