Latvia 2013/14 - grants and loans

Country: Latvia
Date of publication: 2014
Grants - note: 11.5 % of students in state subsidised study places receive public grants
Need-based grant (euro): most common/min 1004
Merit-based grant (euro): most common/min 1004

Student grants

Public grants to cover tuition fees are allocated on the basis of academic merit. These grants are primarily available in priority areas; currently natural sciences, computer sciences and engineering.

Other public grants are traditionally available based on academic merit. Recently, more need-based criteria are taken into account. Disabled or orphaned students with families, from large families or in economic need are treated favourably. State budget grants are LVL 70/month (per 10 months) for the first and second cycle. Approximately 4 000 students receive state budget grants each semester (11.5 % of students studying in the state subsidized study places) (2012/13). Higher grants are available through the European Social Fund activities supporting the implementation of Master’s study programmes (specifically for students in the following priority study fields: natural science, mathematics, IT, engineering, health care, environmental sciences and creative industries). In 2012/13, 40.8 % of full time Master students in these priority study fields received this grant.


Two types of loans exist. The first is to cover tuition costs and the second to cover living costs with a cap of LVL 120/month. Loans need to be paid back 12 months after the end of the degree programme. 11 % of students take out loans (2012/13).

Source: Eurydice, National Student Fee and Support Systems 2013/2014, 2015/2016, 2016/2017
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