Student grants and loans in Europe

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Turkey 2013/14 - grants and loans
Grants: University students receive various types of grants during their education. Firstly, scholarship, described in regulations as money given to university students who are in need of financial support in line with the Article 5102 of Higher Education Council amounts to TL 280/month. Secondly, learning credits (öğrenim kredisi), described in regulations as money given to university students to conduct their social and other needs during their education at universities amounts to TL 260/month. Both, scholarship and learning credit are for 12 months. Thirdly, students can receive a 'contribution to education' (katkı payı) from the university. It means that students pay lower fees (TL 200). The exact amount of reduction depends on study programme. Loans: In 2013, students in the 1st cycle receive TL 280, while students in the 2nd cycle are provided with TL 560 per month. Students who receive this amount of money have to pay back upon their graduation in instalments.
Turkey 2015/16 - grants and loans
Need-based grants are provided by the Higher Education Credits and Hostels Institution

Exceptionally, students who study in non-profit foundation universities may receive discounts from the university. For example, depending on the performance they show in university entrance exam, they may be asked to pay only half or five eighths of the fee (this may vary from one university to another).
Loans: In 2014, students in the 1st cycle receive TL 300, while students  in the 2nd cycle are provided with TL 600 per month. Students who  receive this amount of money have to pay back upon their graduation in instalments.
Turkey 2016/17 - grants and loans
Need-based grants are provided by the Higher Education Credits and Hostels Institution. Short-cycle, first and second cycle students can receive need-based grants. No further information is available on the eligibility criteria.

In 2015, students in first cycle receive TL 330 per month (TL 3 960 a year), while students in second cycle are provided with monthly TL 660 (TL 7 920 per year). 10 % of students receive need-based grant.

Merit-based grants are provided by the General Directorate of Higher Education Credit and Hostels Institution, universities, municipalities, and NGOs for good performing students. The state grant (via the General Directorate) is a standard monthly TL 990 to eligible students. The amount of other grants is different for every institution. Students who pass the university entrance exam with excellent results may be offered to pay only half or five eighths of the fee (this may vary from one university to another).
Loans: in 2015, students in the 1st cycle receive TL 330, while students in the 2nd cycle are provided with TL 660 per month. The repayment begins two years after graduation in monthly instalments. Repayment needs to be completed in as much time as the student benefited from the loan. The repayment amount is calculated according to domestic product price index. This is a state guaranteed loan, which 28 % of students receive.

Source: Eurydice, National Student Fee and Support Systems 2013/2014, 2015/2016, 2016/2017
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