Student grants and loans in Europe

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Spain 2013/14 - grants and loans
Although student grants exist at national, regional and local level, only the ones at national level have been considered here, as they are quantitatively the most important ones. There are many types of grants, aimed at covering different types of expenses such as transportation, residence, meals, books and materials, etc. The grant also covers tuition fees. Students can receive different types of grants, depending on their family income. The average amount of a grant is EUR 2 497.03 and a waiver from tuition fees. The maximum grant is EUR 6 241 and a waiver from tuition fees, and the minimum is EUR 244 and a waiver from tuition fees.

Grants are need-based, but a minimum level of academic performance is also required.
No loans.
Spain 2015/16 - grants and loans
Although student grants exist at national, regional and local level, only those at national level have been considered here, as they are quantitatively the most important ones. The national grants are made up by several components, and each student may receive one or more of the components depending on their family income (grades are also taken into account in one of the components). These components are: fixed amount of EUR 1 500 based on the student’s family income; fixed amount of EUR 1 500 for living costs, for students living outside the family home during their studies and who also meet certain income criteria; and a variable amount, based on the student’s family income and grades. The minimum variable amount is EUR 60, and the maximum amount in 2013/14 was EUR 2 843.49 (this amount varies from year to year, since it results from distributing among the applicants the money that is left over after paying all the other components). Full-time students can apply for all components, whereas part-time students can only apply for the minimum amount of the variable amount component (EUR 60), and distance education students can apply for the complete variable amount component. There is also a last component aimed at students whose family residence is located in the Canary Islands, the Balearic Islands, or the autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla, and whose university is located either in another one of those locations or in mainland Spain. This component ranges from EUR 442 to 937. Since this kind of support is granted on an individual level, and each student receives a different amount, the 'most common' value cannot be provided. However, the average amount for a grant (including fees and other components) is EUR 2 498.84.

All students who receive grants are also exempt from paying fees.

Students can receive different grant components depending on their family income, grades and other circumstances. The minimum grant is EUR 60 plus a waiver from tuition fees. The maximum grant in 2014/15 was EUR 6 840.49

The approximate 29 % of students receiving grants include, apart from those of the general call, those who are partially exempt of paying fees for large family, and collaboration scholars.
No loans.
Spain 2016/17 - grants and loans
The national general grant has several components. Each student may receive one or more of the components depending on their family income (grades are also considered in one of the components): fixed amount of EUR 1 500 based on the student’s family income; fixed amount of EUR 1 500 for living costs for students living outside the family home during their studies and who also meet certain income criteria; and a variable amount, based on the student’s family income and grades. The minimum variable amount is EUR 60, and the maximum amount varies from year to year, since it results from distributing among the applicants the money that is left over after paying all the other components. Full-time students can apply for all components. Part-time students can only apply for the minimum amount of the variable component (EUR 60). Distance education students can apply for the complete variable amount component. A component is also aimed at students whose family residence is located in the Canary Islands, the Balearic Islands, or the Cities of Ceuta and Melilla, and whose university is located either in another one of those locations or in mainland Spain. This component ranges from EUR 442 to 937.

All 1st and 2nd cycle students who receive a grant are also exempt from paying fees. However, the grant only covers those ECTS credits that the student takes for the first time (i.e. if a student has to re-take a subject, it won’t be covered by the grant the second and subsequent times). Short cycle students receive a 'basic grant' component of EUR 200.

Grants are awarded on an individual level, and therefore each student receives a different amount. However, the average amount for a grant in 2015/16 was EUR 2 164.26 (in addition to an exemption of fees).
No loans.

Source: Eurydice, National Student Fee and Support Systems 2013/2014, 2015/2016, 2016/2017
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