Student grants and loans in Europe

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Poland 2013/14 - grants and loans
Financial support is granted to students in the following forms: a needs-based grant available for students with a low personal/family income, a needs-based grant available for students with disability, emergency grant/ allowance and merit-based grant for best students. The income threshold to be eligible for need-based grants for students with low family income is PLN 592.80-850.20 per person per year (from 1 November 2012).

The average amount of the need-based grant is PLN 2 783 (2011). The average amount of the merit-based grant is PLN 1 035 with a maximum of PLN 14 000.
Loans of PLN 6 000/year may be taken out in any cycle for those students whose personal income is below net PLN 2 300/month (in 2012). The state guarantees part of the loans for low income students: students with family income of PLN 600/month per person have been granted a 100 % guarantee of their loan and students with a family income of PLN 1 000/month a 70 % guarantee.
Poland 2015/16 - grants and loans
Need-based grants are available for students with a low personal/family income, and for students with disabilities, the income threshold to be eligible for need-based grants for students with low family income is PLN 592.8-895.7 per person per month (the exact level of the threshold from this range depends on the decision of a higher education institution). The average amount is PLN 4 302.3 per year (2013).

Merit-based grants are allocated to the best-performing students. The average amount of the merit-based grant is PLN 4 213.9 (2013) per year.

The total monthly amount of the needs-based grant and the merit-based grant may not be more than 90 % of the lowest basic pay of an assistant (the lowest academic position at higher education institutions) as regulated by the legislation on the remuneration of academic staff (PLN 2245 in 2014).
Loans of PLN 6 000/year may be taken out in any cycle for those students whose personal income is below net PLN 2 300/month (in 2013). The state guarantees part of the loans for low income students: students with family income of PLN 600/month per person have been granted a 100 % guarantee of their loan and students with a family
income of PLN 1 000/month a 70 % guarantee.
Poland 2016/17 - grants and loans
Need-based grants are available for all students (both 1st and 2nd cycle and part-time) with a low personal/family income, and for students with disabilities. The income threshold to be eligible for need-based grants for students with low family income is decided by HEIs and is between PLN 668.20 and 1 043.90 per person per month. In 2014, 13.28 % of all students received a need-based grant based on their socio-economic situation and 1.64 % of all students received the need-based grants for students with disabilities. The average amount was PLN 4 674.28 per year.

Merit-based grants are allocated to the best-performing full-time and part-time students. The average amount of the merit-based grant is PLN 4 332.70 per year. 7.43 % of all students received such grants in 2014. The total monthly amount of the need- and merit-based grants may not be more than 90 % of the lowest basic pay of an assistant (the lowest academic position at higher education institutions) as regulated by legislation.
Loans of PLN 6 000/year may be taken out in any cycle by students whose personal income is below net PLN 2 500/month (in 2014/15). The state guarantees the entire loan for students with family income of PLN 600/month per person and 70 % for students with a family income of PLN 1 000/month. Students starting their studies before the age of 25 can apply for a loan which is granted for the period of study or maximum six years. Repayment begins two years after graduation. While receiving the loan and for the following two years interest is paid by the state budget, and later on interest rates are capped. The best-performing 5 % of graduates may obtain the cancellation of 20 % of their loan.

Source: Eurydice, National Student Fee and Support Systems 2013/2014, 2015/2016, 2016/2017
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