Student grants and loans in Europe

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Montenegro 2013/14 - grants and loans
Ministry of Education, in accordance with prescribed criteria, allocates loans and scholarship for talented students every year.

Scholarships/grants are given to 'talented students', that are students with highest marks and special affinity towards scientific/artistic work, and who were rewarded prizes at state and international competitions.

Grants and loans can be received by students 10 months per year.
Average loan is EUR 42/month, while scholarship for talented students is EUR 86/month.

Grants and loans can be received by students 10 months per year.
Montenegro 2015/16 - grants and loans
There is no need-based grant.
Merit-based grants are provided for students showing particular scientific or artistic inclinations and winning awards at international and national competitions. Grants are awarded on the basis of the contest announced by the Ministry at least two months before the beginning of an academic year. Grants are not awarded to student loan beneficiaries.

Grant amount depends on the level of the maximum loan increased by 30-50 %.

The maximum grant is EUR 86/month paid in ten monthly instalments.

Loans are available on the basis of student performance. The average loan is EUR 45/month for ten monthly instalments.
Montenegro 2016/17 - grants and loans
There is no need-based grant.

Merit-based grants are awarded to the best-performing first-time students in the second and the succeeding academic years of study, including students showing particular scientific or artistic inclinations and winning awards at international and national competitions. Grants are awarded on the basis of the contest announced by the Ministry at least one month before the beginning of an academic year. Grants are not awarded to student loan beneficiaries.

The maximum grant is EUR 86/month paid in ten monthly instalments.

The Ministry of Education also awards co-financing scholarships of up to EUR 500 for 2nd cycle and doctoral students who study in Montenegro or abroad.
State guaranteed loans are available on the basis of performance to first-time students. The average loan is EUR 45/month for ten monthly instalments. Repayment must start one year and the latest 18 months after completion of studies. Best performers may be exempted from repayment or receive discounts.

Source: Eurydice, National Student Fee and Support Systems 2013/2014, 2015/2016, 2016/2017
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