Student grants and loans in Europe

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Luxembourg 2015/16 - grants and loans
Financial aid is a 'package' including a grant only, a grant plus loan, or only a loan depending on the income of the student. The maximum financial support amount (grant and loan together) that a student can receive per academic year is EUR 19 950. Support duration: 1st cycle = official duration + 1 year; 2nd cycle = official duration.

The higher education grants are open to all resident students, and to non-residents according to conditions related to working in Luxembourg. The eligibility criteria are the same for all students (short cycle, 1st cycle, 2nd cycle), including mobile students studying in another country. Basic grant: EUR 2 000 per academic year, without any condition. Mobility grant: EUR 2 450 per academic year, for students who attend higher education in another country and have accommodation expenses. Social criteria grant: EUR 0 to EUR 3 800, depending on the income of the student’s family. Registration fees: EUR 0 to EUR 1 850 (as grant) + EUR 0 to EUR 1 850 (as loan).
State guaranteed student loan: a EUR 6 500 basic loan is awarded to each resident student per academic year. The loan amount increases if the student does not receive a full or partial social grant. Reimbursement starts two years after having completed or stopped studies, and must be completed in 10 years.

Source: Eurydice, National Student Fee and Support Systems 2013/2014, 2015/2016, 2016/2017
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