Switzerland 2016/17 - values of student grants

Country: Switzerland
Date of publication: 2017
Grants - note: About 10 % of students receive need-based grants
Need-based grant (euro): most common 7488 - max 14611
Merit-based grant (euro): -

Student grants

Each canton has its own regulations for the provision of grants and loans to students resident in Switzerland (decentralised system). In all cantons, the amount granted depends on the financial situation of the applicant and his/her family.

Support in the form of grants or loans or a combination of both is provided. The majority of beneficiaries only receive grants (2014: about 95 % grants only, about 2 % loans only, about 3 % grants and loans). In 2014, the most common loan was CHF 6 200.

Some higher education institutions have their own funds for supplementary support of students. Students can only apply if they already have applied for cantonal grants/loans.

Source: Eurydice, National Student Fee and Support Systems 2013/2014, 2015/2016, 2016/2017
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