Finland 2016/17 - values of student grants

Country: Finland
Date of publication: 2017
Grants - note: 66 % degree students receive student financial support
Need-based grant (euro): min 558 - most common 4846 - max 6660
Merit-based grant (euro): -

Student grants

Only full-time students are eligible for student support. The maximum annual aid is EUR 11 260.32. A common amount is EUR 8445.24 (of which EUR 3 600 is a student loan).

Study grants (SG), which require the completion of an average 60 credits per year, are universal for a maximum of 64 months. Amounts depend on age and whether the student lives with parent(s). Typically, for students over 18 years living on their own the maximum is EUR 336.79. For students under 20 years living with their parents, the typical range is between EUR 62-163.80 per month.

A housing supplement (HS) covers 80 % of the rent for students living independently, with a maximum of EUR 201.60/month. HS aims to match support to need (i.e. less support to students with lower housing costs). SG and HS are typically available for nine months only if the student's income, which may be earned at any time during the calendar year, is below EUR 11 850/year.

Source: Eurydice, National Student Fee and Support Systems 2013/2014, 2015/2016, 2016/2017
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