Slovakia 2016/17 - values of student grants
Date of publication: 2017 Grants - note: 13.71 % of students receive need-based and 8.07 % merit-based grants
Need-based grant (euro): min 100 - most common 1343 - max 3300
Merit-based grant (euro): most common 388
Student grants
There is a legal right for a need-based grant/scholarship subject to specified conditions. The monthly amount of
this need-based scholarship varies from EUR 10 to EUR 275. First and second cycle students are eligible. Short
cycle students are eligible for need-based scholarships of EUR 22.61-45.21 per month depending on their
academic performance.
Merit-based motivation scholarships are granted by the higher education institutions for excellent results in
studies, research and development, artistic or sporting activity. The amount is set by higher education institutions
or faculties. The state subsidy for this purpose is calculated at an average rate of EUR 450 per student for 10 % of
students. Universities are provided with additional finances for merit-based scholarships in specific scientific study
fields. The scholarship amount is determined by universities. The state subsidy provided is calculated at an
average rate of EUR 1 000 (per student) for 15 % of students.
Source: Eurydice, National Student Fee and Support Systems 2013/2014, 2015/2016, 2016/2017