Lithuania 2016/17 - values of student grants
Date of publication: 2017 Grants - note: 3 % of students receive a need-based grant; 9 % receive a merit-based grant
Need-based grant (euro): min 124 - most common/max 1482
Merit-based grant (euro): min 6 - most common 684 - max 2736
Student grants
There are three main types of grants available for both 1st and 2nd cycle students:
1) Academic achievement scholarships are awarded to around 9 % of students. Amounts range from EUR 6 to 228
per month, with EUR 57 the most common for full-time and EUR 38 for part-time students. The scholarship period
varies from 1 to 12 months. 2) Social scholarships of EUR 123.5 per month are awarded to around 3 % of
students, and support low socio-economic background, disabled students and orphans. The scholarship period is
up to 12 months. 3) Study scholarships may be provided to high performing self-financing students in both public
and private HEIs. In 2015, about 0.2 % of students in public HEIs received such support. The maximum grant
amount is determined by the maximum fees that the Ministry agrees to cover for state supported students.
Self-financing 1st cycle students who have completed the first two academic years or the rest of the programme
with the best results may be reimbursed tuition fees. The maximum number of students who receive this support
may not exceed 10 % of the state-funded student cohort. In 2015, approx. 4.5 % fee-paying students received
Source: Eurydice, National Student Fee and Support Systems 2013/2014, 2015/2016, 2016/2017