Latvia 2015/16 - values of student grants
Date of publication: 2016 Grants - note: 14 % of students in state subsidised study places receive public grants
Need-based grant (euro): most common/min 1000
Merit-based grant (euro): min 818 - max 5333
Student grants
Public grants (state-subsidised study places) are allocated on the basis of academic merit. These grants are primarily available in priority areas; currently natural sciences, computer sciences and engineering.
Other public grants are traditionally available based on academic merit. Recently, more need-based criteria are taken into account. Disabled or orphaned students with families, from large families or in economic need are treated favourably. These state budget grants are EUR 99.60/month (per 10 months) for the first and second cycle. Only 14 % of all students studying in state financed places at public HEIs receive this funding support.
Source: Eurydice, National Student Fee and Support Systems 2013/2014, 2015/2016, 2016/2017