England 2013/14 - values of student grants
Date of publication: 2014 Grants - note: In 2012/13, 40 % of applicants (1st cycle) were awarded a full grant and 14 % a partial grant in 1st cycle
Need-based grant (euro): max 4136
Merit-based grant (euro): -
Student grants
1st cycle full-time – the support package includes a need-based grant for living costs. The maximum is GBP 3 354 (for students with a
household income of GBP 25 000 or less). In 2012/13, 40 % of applicants were awarded a full grant and 14 % were awarded a partial grant
(provisional). Students who are lone parents or who have certain disabilities may be eligible for a special support grant.
1st cycle part-time – grants and loans for living costs are not available.
1st cycle – all institutions charging more than GBP 6 000 must offer National Scholarship Programme (NSP) awards to students from
disadvantaged backgrounds. Awards include bursaries, fee waivers and 'in-kind' support. Many institutions also offer other bursaries and
scholarships aimed at students from under-represented groups.
2nd cycle – with the exception of a few specific disciplines, such as teaching, social work and some health professions, the majority of
students following taught programmes are self-financing. There is some support for students on doctoral research programmes (which may
incorporate masters level study). The Research Councils set a minimum level for this stipend which for 2013/14 is GBP 13 726 per year.
2nd cycle – around 60 % of students on taught programmes and 30 % of research students do not receive any support towards tuition fees
or living costs.
Source: Eurydice, National Student Fee and Support Systems 2013/2014, 2015/2016, 2016/2017