Lithuania 2013/14 - values of student grants
Date of publication: 2014 Grants - note: 5.5 % of students receive a need-based grant; 7.5 % receive a merit-based grant
Need-based grant (euro): most common/max 13355
Merit-based grant (euro): min 70 - max 3614
Student grants
There are three main types of scholarships/grants: for academic achievement, social scholarships and study
The amount of the scholarships for academic achievement is regulated by each higher education institution. It
ranges from LTL 20 to 1 040 per month. The total period of receiving the scholarship depends on HEIs and varies
from 10 to 12 months.
The amount of study scholarship is the same as fees (vary depending on the study programme, study forms).
Social scholarships are available for students with low socio-economical background, disabled students and
orphans. Their amount is LTL 390 per month. Students can apply for this scholarship twice a year. If a student
meets requirements two times, s/he gets the scholarship for 12 months.
Students of the first cycle or integrated studies not funded by the State who have finished with the best results the
first two academic years (in case of part-time studies – half of a study programme) and afterwards the remaining
academic years, shall be reimbursed for the tuition fee paid for the studies during a respective period (a part of the
fee which does not exceed the normative cost of studies). Around 2 500 students received this type of support.
Source: Eurydice, National Student Fee and Support Systems 2013/2014, 2015/2016, 2016/2017