Italy 2013/14 - values of student grants

Country: Italy
Date of publication: 2014
Grants - note: 7.5 % of 1st and 2nd cycle students receive grants (2011/12)
Need-based grant (euro): min 1904 - max 5052
Merit-based grant (euro): min 1904 - max 5052

Student grants

Public grants are allocated on the basis of both economic need and academic merit. The amount depends on whether the student lives with her/his parents and is defined, within the range mentioned in the diagram above, by the Regional authorities. For instance, the amounts for need-based grants range from EUR 1 904 (students living with parents) to EUR 5 052/year (students not living with parents).

Source: Eurydice, National Student Fee and Support Systems 2013/2014, 2015/2016, 2016/2017
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