Date of publication: 2017 Fees - first cycle (euro): min 48 - most common 337 - max 1023
Fees - second cycle (euro): min 225 - most common 450 - max 2045
Fees - note: All students pay administrative fees
National student fee
There are two basic types of financial status for students: budget-financed and self-financed. 50 % of full-time
students at the eight public universities and two other higher education institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina are
'budget-financed students'. They are selected based on their good performance at secondary school and at the
entrance exam. Their tuition fees are paid by the responsible ministry of education, but students need to pay
administrative and other fees (entrance and application fees, fees for issuing diploma and diploma supplement,
etc.) ranging from BAM 94 to BAM 500.
50 % of full-time students at the universities pay tuition fees. Fees vary from faculty to faculty. These students also
pay both administrative and tuition fees. The minimum annual fee for self-financing students in the first cycle is
BAM 440 and the maximum is BAM 1 500, plus administrative fees. The most common annual fee in the first cycle
is BAM 660.
In the second cycle, annual fees range from BAM 440 to BAM 4 000. All 2nd cycle students pay tuition and
administration fees.
All part-time students (40 % of all students) pay tuition and administrative fees. In the 1st cycle, annual fees range
from BAM 900 to 4 500; and in the 2nd cycle from BAM 1 000 to 3 000.
There are no short cycle programmes in higher education institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
International students may pay higher tuition fees while other expenses are the same.