Date of publication: 2017 Fees - first cycle (euro): min 10 - max 2050
Fees - second cycle (euro): min 10 - max 3080
Fees - note: All students pay administrative fees
National student fee
All students pay registration fees of EUR 10 to EUR 100 per academic year. Full-time (short, 1st and 2nd cycle)
students in public higher education institutions not exceeding the 'regular' length of study for the study programme
do not pay tuition fees.
Students who exceed a 'regular' length of study, or who study two or more programmes concurrently in the same
academic year have to pay tuition fees which cannot exceed EUR 1 800 per academic year for both first and
second cycle studies. Students admitted to an external/part-time study programme pay fees up to an annual
maximum of EUR 2 050 in the first cycle and EUR 3 080 in the second cycle. Students in a study programme
which is provided exclusively in a language other than the state language pay tuition fees, which are set by
respective higher education institutions. Tuition and other fees at public higher education institutions cannot
exceed 50 % of the average costs of full-time education.
Non-EU students pay higher tuition fees of EUR 2 000 to 10 000/year.