Date of publication: 2017 Fees - first cycle (euro): most common/min 542 - max 5205
Fees - second cycle (euro): min 1095 - most common 1849 - max 8222
Fees - note: 49 % of students in the 1st cycle and 33 % in the 2nd cycle pay fees
National student fee
There are two types of financial status for students: state-funded and self-financed. Each year, the government
decides on the number of state funded places. All students pay registration fees set by higher education
For fee-paying students, each university senate decides on the level of fees for each programme, as well as on
exemptions based on need or merit.
Fees are calculated on the basis of the average number of full-time students and the amount of state budget:
For the first cycle: RON 2 410 for social science fields; RON 4 752.96 for engineering and computer systems fields
and maximum of RON 23 166.91 for arts (film). For the second cycle: RON 4874.56 for social science fields;
RON 8 230 for engineering and computer systems fields and maximum of RON 36 591.16 for arts (film).
There is no short cycle higher education provision in Romania.
International students pay fees. The value of the minimum fee is set by law for each field.