Date of publication: 2017 Fees - first cycle (euro): min 153 - max 767
Fees - second cycle (euro): min 235 - max 537
Fees - note: All students pay fees
National student fee
Public higher education institutions define their own fees, but maximum amounts are set annually by the
Student fees depend on the programme and field of study. The lowest fees are paid, for example, in social
sciences, economics and law, the highest fees in arts, navigation programmes.
The first cycle fees in the state universities, for full-time studies, range from BGN 300 to BGN 1 500 per year and
for part-time studies from BGN 150 to BGN 1 100. Annual second cycle full-time study fees range from BGN 460 to
BGN 1 050, and for part-time studies from BGN 370 to BGN 580. Full-time short cycle students pay from BGN 300
to BGN 1 600 per year, while part-time students between BGN 150 and BGN 1 000.
Certain categories of students are exempted from paying fees. They include orphans, persons with disabilities, war
invalids and senior cadets in military schools.
Fee ranges for international students are also set by the government and depend on the study field. The actual
amounts are defined by higher education institutions. They are usually higher than those paid by EU students.