Date of publication: 2017 Fees - first cycle (euro): min 105 - max 890
Fees - second cycle (euro): min 105 - max 890
Fees - note: All students pay a fee
National student fee
The student fee in the first and the second cycles has two components: a fixed amount of EUR 230 and a flexible
part that differs with the number of ECTS credits followed. Each credit point carries a fee of EUR 11. This means
that on average for a full-time student (60 ECTS points) the total fee is EUR 890. The amount of fees varies with
the income of (the parents of) the student. Students who are eligible for a grant pay EUR 105 per academic year.
An intermediate tariff of EUR 470 applies for students who almost meet the income criteria linked to a need-based
grant. The amount of the tuition fees is fixed in the law (Codex Hoger Onderwijs). Students pay fees at the
beginning of the academic year, when they register for the programme.
For short-cycle tertiary programmes, the maximum tuition fee of EUR 1.50 per teaching hour is determined by the
Flemish Government. Payment is made at registration. Some students (for example unemployed or students with
special needs) pay no fees, a fee of EUR 0.30 per teaching hour or a fee of EUR 0.60 per teaching hour. There are
no tuition fees for the associate degree programme for nursing.
Fees for non-EU students which may be higher than for EU students are determined by higher education