Date of publication: 2016 Fees - first cycle (euro): most common/min 41
Fees - second cycle (euro): most common/min 41
Fees - note: Approximately 75 % of students (i.e. full-time students at public HEIs) pay only administrative fees
National student fee
Financial support is granted to students in the following forms: a needs-based grant available for students with a
low personal/family income, a needs-based grant available for students with disability, emergency grant/ allowance
and merit-based grant for best students. The income threshold to be eligible for need-based grants for students
with low family income is PLN 592.80-850.20 per person per year (from 1 November 2012).
The average amount of the need-based grant is PLN 2 783 (2011). The average amount of the merit-based grant
is PLN 1 035 with a maximum of PLN 14 000.
Students from the EU
and EFTA countries and some other defined categories of students (e.g.
students with refugee status) study according to the same rules as
Polish citizens. Fees for international students other than these are
decided by the HEIs.