Montenegro 2013/14 - values of student fees

Country: Montenegro
Date of publication: 2014
Fees - first cycle (euro): most common/min 500 - max 1000
Fees - second cycle (euro): min 750 - max 1000
Fees - note: All 2nd cycle students pay fees

National student fee

25 % of total number of students at the public University of Montenegro (only public higher education institution in Montenegro), have status of the budget financed students. 75 % of students at the University of Montenegro pay tuition fee.

Minimum fee for self-financed students is EUR 500/year for the first cycle; maximum fee is EUR 1 000/year. The most common fee in the first cycle is EUR 500/year.

In the second cycle (master study programme) fees are between EUR 1 500 and 2 000/year. All master degree students at the public university are obliged to pay fees.

In accordance with the Law on Higher Education foreign citizens have the right to be admitted into the study programmes in Montenegro under the same conditions as Montenegrin citizens who pay the tuition fees in compliance with this law and the institution statute, unless otherwise stipulated by an international agreement.

Source: Eurydice, National Student Fee and Support Systems 2013/2014, 2015/2016, 2016/2017
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