Date of publication: 2014 Fees - first cycle (euro): min 903 - max 4876
Fees - second cycle (euro): min 918 - max 6571
Fees - note: 55 % of 1st cycle and 40 % of 2nd cycle students pay fees
National student fee
Students studying on state subsidised places do not pay fees. 55 % of 1st cycle students and 40 % of 2nd cycle students pay fees.
The majority of students, including those enrolled in evening courses, distance courses or courses offered jointly with other universities pay
Fee amounts vary by field and course load. Each higher education institution can set its own fees. The fees range from LVL 680 to 3 400
per year for full-time studies and from LVL 630 to 1 460 for part-time studies in the 1st cycle. In the 2nd cycle fees range from LVL 800 to
4 582 for full-time studies and from LVL 640 to 2 288 for part-time studies per year. For college programmes or short-cycle programmes
(ISCED 5B) the fees range from LVL 550 to 900. However, some of the higher education institutions apply a diversified tuition fee amount
throughout the study years, i.e. usually the fee in the first year of studies is the lowest.
The amounts of fees for international students may differ in some study programmes (e.g. medicine, dentistry, engineering) and range from
LVL 980 to 7 028 (2012/13) in the 1st cycle. In the 2nd cycle, fees range from LVL 1 100 to 8 434 for full-time studies and from LVL 650 to
6 470 (2012/13) for part-time studies per year. The students from EU and EEA are treated as home students.