Date of publication: 2014 Fees - first cycle (euro): most common 1300
Fees - second cycle (euro): most common 1300
Fees - note: 88.4 % of 1st and 2nd cycle students pay fees (2011/12)
National student fee
Higher education institutions (HEIs) define the fees at the beginning of the academic year and they differentiate them according to the students' socio - economic status, field of studies, cycle, study status - full-time or part-time - and year of registration. Furthermore, HEIs are obliged to exempt students benefiting from student support, and they can also exempt some students on the basis of merit. The overall amount of fees at the end of financial year should not be higher than 20 % of public funding. The amount of fees and the exemptions are calculated only ex- post and only for statistical purposes.
The amount of fees shown in the diagram is calculated on the basis of the most recent statistical data available and as the mean amounts for all registered students.
International students pay the same fees as national students.