Croatia 2016/17 - school year

Country: Croatia
Year: 2016-2017
Public holidays: 8 October 2016 (Independence Day), 1 November 2016 (All Saints Day), 1 May 2017 (International Labour Day), 17 April 2017 (Easter Monday), 15 June 2017 (Corpus Christi), 22 June 2017 (Antifascist Resistance Day)

Beginning of the school year

5 September 2016 

End of the school year

14 June 2017

School year - Autumn / Christmas / New Year / Winter holidays

27 December 2016 – 11 January 2017

School year - Spring / Easter holiday

13-21 April 2017

School year - summer holidays

16 June 2017 – (to be decided in 2017)

published: 2017-01-17

Source: Eurydice 
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