Examinations of the academic year

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CountryExaminations of the academic year
Bulgaria 2016/17 - examinations
The examination dates are determined at institutional level, however, they are usually scheduled within the period starting from mid- January to mid-February at the latest (end of the winter semester), and within the period from mid- June to mid-July.

Students who fail to take or pass an exam on the date within the indicated period, are supposed to take/re-take the exam usually in early September.
Bulgaria 2017/18 - examinations
The examination dates are determined at institutional level, however, they are usually scheduled within the period starting from mid- January to mid-February at the latest (end of the winter semester), and within the period from mid- June to mid-July.

Students who fail to take or pass an exam on the date within the indicated period, are supposed to take/re-take the exam usually in early September.
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Source: Eurydice 
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