Cyprus 2017/18 - beginning and end of the academic year

Country: Cyprus
Year: 2017-2018

Beginning of the academic year

Public Universities in Cyprus are autonomous as regards to their modus operandi. Their schedules are determined by the universities themselves. The academic year usually starts between 1 and 15 September. At the UCY and the CUT classes start on 4 September 2017, whereas the OUC’s first student-tutor communication starts on 18 September 2017.

  1. University of Cyprus (UCY)
  2. Open University of Cyprus (OUC) 
  3. Cyprus University of Technology (CUT)

End of the academic year

The academic year traditionally ends at the end of July for all Universities.

last modification: 2017-09-25 11:18:14

Source: Eurydice 
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