France 2016/17 - beginning and end of the academic year

Country: France
Year: 2016-2017

Beginning of the academic year

Type of programme: University studies:

Institutional  autonomy.  Almost  everywhere the  period  is  between  15 September  and 15 October.

Type of programme: non-university studies:

Institutional  autonomy,  although  all institutions  open  at  the  beginning  of  September or later in the same month.

End of the academic year

Type of programme: University studies:

No  precise  date.  Institutional  autonomy.  In practice,  the  academic  year  ends  after  the final  examination,  in  June  or  at  the beginning of July.

Type of programme: non-university studies:

No precise date. Institutional autonomy. In practice, the academic year ends after the final  examination,  in  June  or  at  the beginning of July.

last modification: 2017-01-16 14:43:41

Source: Eurydice 
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