Cyprus 2016/17 - academic year

Country: Cyprus
Year: 2016-2017
Public holidays: 1 October 2016 (National Holiday), 28 October 2016 (National Holiday), 24-26 December 2016 (Christmas Holidays), 1 January 2017 (New Year’s Day), 6 January 2017 (Epiphany Day), 27 February 2017 (Beginning of Lent), 25 March 2017 (National Day), 1 April 2017 (National Day), 14-17 April 2017 (Easter Holidays), 1 May 2017 (Labour Day), 5 June 2017 (Holy Spirit Monday)

Beginning of the academic year

Public universities in Cyprus are autonomous as regards to their modus operandi and their schedules are determined by the universities themselves. The beginning of the academic year usually occurs between 1 and 15 September. (In the academic year 2016/17, at the UCY and CUT, classes start on 5 September, whereas OUC’s first student-tutor communication takes place in the first week of October.)

  1. University of Cyprus (UCY)
  2. Open University of Cyprus (OUC) 
  3. Cyprus University of Technology (CUT)

Teaching activity and holidays of the academic year

Public universities determine all periods of teaching activity and holidays. Holiday periods at public universities will take place as follows: 24 December 2016 – 8 January 2017 (Christmas, at the end of the autumn semester)

8-23 April 2017 (Easter, before the end of the spring semester)

Summer session (if it is offered) starts in early June and lasts for 7 weeks.

Examinations of the academic year

Final examinations' periods and schedule are determined by the universities themselves whereas midterm examination dates may be set by faculty or faculty and students jointly. Only final examination periods appear on the academic calendar and these occur at the end of each semester.

Final examination periods in both UCY and CUT in 2016/17 will be as follows:

9-23 December 2016 for autumn semester
8-22 May 2017 for spring semester
In OUC final examinations will take place from 19 May – 12 June 2017.

End of the academic year

The academic year traditionally ends at the end of July for all universities.

last modification: 2017-01-18 10:50:51

Source: Eurydice 
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