Norway 2015/16 - academic year

Country: Norway
Year: 2015-2016
Public holidays: Christmas holiday (normally 21 December 2015 – 4 January 2016), Easter holiday (normally 21-29 March 2016), 1 May 2016 (Labour Day), 5 May 2016 (Ascension Day), 16 May 2016 (Whit Monday), 17 May 2016 (National Day)

Beginning of the academic year

Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) are autonomous. Generally mid-August

Teaching activity and holidays of the academic year

HEIs are autonomous, with the exception of public holidays.

Examinations of the academic year

HEIs are autonomous.

End of the academic year

HEIs are autonomous. The academic year generally ends at the end of June.

published: 2016-06-01

Source: Eurydice 
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